We've been doing this now for over a decade. Starting with just two heifers, we have grown our herd beyond what we ever could have imagined. Our steadfast conviction has been that once one of the cows goes into milk on our farm, she is here for life. With that understanding, knowing we can't keep them all, we began to offer heifers and bulls for sale, to the right sort of folks.
The way we go about this is simple. We don't list a particular heifer or bull for sale on our site or on the many Facebook groups we participate in. Instead, we have you reach out to us to begin a dialog. It starts with you letting us know what you are looking for, what your goals are, and what experience you have with cows. This leads to a farm visit where we introduce you to a heifer or bull that meets your needs.
What if you don't know what you are looking for, what your goals are, or you have no experience with cows? That puts you in the same place we were just over a decade ago. Our goal is to help you to succeed on your journey to providing your own milk. Unlike so many folks that are just selling off their unwanted livestock, we want you and the cow to thrive. Nothing is sadder than failing at this, and there's no need to.
We are an ongoing source of information and advice to everyone who has bought from us. There is a lot to owning and caring for a dairy cow. She requires daily attention and care. The rewards from the effort you put forward are returned many times over, and once you get it, and incorporate her needs into your daily routine, it becomes easier every day.
The way we go about this is simple. We don't list a particular heifer or bull for sale on our site or on the many Facebook groups we participate in. Instead, we have you reach out to us to begin a dialog. It starts with you letting us know what you are looking for, what your goals are, and what experience you have with cows. This leads to a farm visit where we introduce you to a heifer or bull that meets your needs.
What if you don't know what you are looking for, what your goals are, or you have no experience with cows? That puts you in the same place we were just over a decade ago. Our goal is to help you to succeed on your journey to providing your own milk. Unlike so many folks that are just selling off their unwanted livestock, we want you and the cow to thrive. Nothing is sadder than failing at this, and there's no need to.
We are an ongoing source of information and advice to everyone who has bought from us. There is a lot to owning and caring for a dairy cow. She requires daily attention and care. The rewards from the effort you put forward are returned many times over, and once you get it, and incorporate her needs into your daily routine, it becomes easier every day.

We have two breeds available: Jersey and Brown Swiss. Breed traits vary, as do the personalities
of each individual Heifer and Bull. Everyone offered for sale was bred and born on our farm. We
utilize nature bull breeding, as well as AI to offer different traits in our herd. All of our calves begin with nursing from their mom, then transition to a bottle. We have never used milk replacer. Each calf is bottle fed fresh momma cow's milk for at least 6 months before they are gradually weaned. This creates a strong healthy calf that seeks out human companionship and instills a gentle
personality, even in our bulls. Our biggest bulls are handled, hugged, and petted daily. The reputation of the crazy Jersey Bull stems from how they were raised and if they are kept in isolation. Our bulls are always part of a herd, either the Baby Bottle Club, the Young Stud Group, or the Big Bull Pen.
Our girls transition through similar age-appropriate herds. We do not consider breeding until she has reached 14 to 15 months old. Some even longer. This allows them to reach their full potential before taking on a calf.
of each individual Heifer and Bull. Everyone offered for sale was bred and born on our farm. We
utilize nature bull breeding, as well as AI to offer different traits in our herd. All of our calves begin with nursing from their mom, then transition to a bottle. We have never used milk replacer. Each calf is bottle fed fresh momma cow's milk for at least 6 months before they are gradually weaned. This creates a strong healthy calf that seeks out human companionship and instills a gentle
personality, even in our bulls. Our biggest bulls are handled, hugged, and petted daily. The reputation of the crazy Jersey Bull stems from how they were raised and if they are kept in isolation. Our bulls are always part of a herd, either the Baby Bottle Club, the Young Stud Group, or the Big Bull Pen.
Our girls transition through similar age-appropriate herds. We do not consider breeding until she has reached 14 to 15 months old. Some even longer. This allows them to reach their full potential before taking on a calf.

So, what's available? That depends on a lot of factors. We breed year-round, so at any given time, we have the potential to have a variety of ages available. This can range from a bottle baby to a confirmed bred heifer.
Prices? That depends on the age and bred status of the heifer. If the heifer you end up wanting has not been bred yet, we have the ability to keep her on site and begin the process. For most folks, having the infrastructure to breed a heifer is their biggest hurdle. We offer the solution.
Transportation. Most folks don't have a livestock trailer. We, of course, do. That said, we also operate a dairy that milks twice a day. Transportation may be available within a reasonable distance for a reasonable price
The first step is simple. Give us a call. We truly are here to help. We look forward to your call.
Dennis, Diane, and Corey
(352) 727 1377
Prices? That depends on the age and bred status of the heifer. If the heifer you end up wanting has not been bred yet, we have the ability to keep her on site and begin the process. For most folks, having the infrastructure to breed a heifer is their biggest hurdle. We offer the solution.
Transportation. Most folks don't have a livestock trailer. We, of course, do. That said, we also operate a dairy that milks twice a day. Transportation may be available within a reasonable distance for a reasonable price
The first step is simple. Give us a call. We truly are here to help. We look forward to your call.
Dennis, Diane, and Corey
(352) 727 1377